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Mystical Guides


Who we are and what we offer


Mystical Earth Tours's guides, teachers and ceremonialist are 

Marion (Brigantia) van Eupen, Marisa Picardo and Manon Tromp.


Marion and Manon have been on a spiritual life's journey following our soul's journeying,

which meant leaving our fatherland The Netherlands and coming home to our motherland in Avalon.

Marisa has been walking the Land for a long time and is passionate in word and deed

for the sacredness of nature and how we can contribute to keep Mother Earth healthy.


Our journeys have  given us a lot of insight in the the incredible healing

and transformational power of Nature when we allow ourselves to make a deep connection

with Mother Earth, the Ancestors and the Energies of the Land.


We offer tours and walks to the sacred sites, especially in the South West of England,

which have a different flavour. â€‹The difference lies in our intention, which is to facilitate ways to

explore, remember and celebrate your own connection with the Sacred Land. 


​We give our intention shape by sharing with you the history and the her-story,

the myths and legends, of the places we visit. Furthermore we work with ceremony

to facilitate a extraordinary experience. This can include visualisations, ceremony, drumming, chanting

or other ways to make our tours special and magical!



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Marion Brigantia

​Since 1986  I have been visiting sacred sites, stone circles, cairns, barrows, springs and wells and other magical places all over the British Isles. I just loved the land! It however took me till 2009 to decided to take the leap and come home to the Isle of Avalon.

I now live and work as a full time Priestess of Brighid, Priestess of Avalon and Priestess of Her, Goddess whose body I experience as the sacred Land, and I never looked back!


I teach the Priest/ess of Brighde-Brigantia trainings and run Goddess related workshops. I am the Co-Organiser and  Ceremonialist at the Glastonbury Goddess Conference and co-founder and Guardian at the Pagan Cooperative: The Temple of Avalon in Glastonbury, Intuitive Oracle Reader,  Shamanic Drummer as well as Healer and Interpersonal Mediator. ​


My intention and passion is to build opening the Gateways that the sacred Land offers, so to help people experience to the healing and transformational beauty and power of the land.


Marisa Picardo

is Priestess of Rhiannon, a therapist, healer, Soul Midwife/End of life Doula and celebrant. She is a Temple Melissa and Temple Drummer and holds sacred sound Baths. She regularly priestesses in the temple seasonal ceremonies and co-teaches the first year of the Priestess of Rhiannon training in Glastonbury.


Marisa is based at the Goddess house, as a therapist and healer, and walks the land incorporating her shamanic and pagan teachings. She is a lover of the land, and of sacred sites and will go out and regularly create gratitude ceremonies in all her forms. And believes that walking in nature is the most therapeutic engagement.


Marisa embarked upon her first walking pilgrimage in 2007 when she walked from Land’s End to John O’Groats as a solo adventure taking 75 days to complete and has continued her love of walking and pilgrimage ever since, completing the Camino de Santiago in 2011. She is a qualified Hill and Moorland leader.

Manon Tromp

In 2002 I went to the small town of Glastonbury, situated in the south west of England. The sign post read, ‘The Isle of Avalon’, as I drove into Glastonbury it was a celebration of familiarity and a wonderful feeling of coming home: I have been here before and this is where I want to be.


Since this time, many people have come on my path that have visited Glastonbury and felt the same as me. Even if they haven’t visited, they have the feeling that they need to be there.


Since that first visit I designed my life in such a way that Glastonbury was an integrated part, by following a training course (Celtic Traditions) there and by visiting with small groups and in 2012, ten years later, I finally moved there, but have moved back to the Netherlands in 2020, with gratitude for the experience.


My passion is to bring people in contact with the magic of Nature and the land, something I truly believe in!​
I offer tours and workshops on the sacred land of The Netherlands and in Glastonbury and the South West when I am visiting the Sacred Isle again!


​Marion Brigantia 
0044 (0)7948 079671​
Marisa Picardo
0044 (0)7762 299441

Manon Tromp
0031 (0)6122 94580

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