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Tours, Walks, Teachings and Ceremonies

The Isle of Avalon

The Magical Isle of Avalon​


Avalon is a place of mist, myth and magic!

There are several places worth visiting including, Glastonbury Tor,

The Chalice Well, The White Spring, Weary All Hill, St. Brides Mound,

Glastonbury Abbey, Gog and Magog, Paradise Valley etc


Exploring Glastonbury's spiritual and magical past and present

could easily turn into a two or three day tour,

but you can also make a choice and come for one day or even

a half day emerging yourself into the mystery of Avalon!


We offer beautiful tours and walks (these can include

ceremonial elements or not) for individuals, small and larger groups:


Avalon Trail

*The Isle, the Goddess & the Grail *

A day or half day walk exploring all the well known places of Glastonbury/Avalon

including The Tor, Chalice Well, White Spring, Weary All Hill ,

connecting deeply with the land and the myths and legends of this sacred Isle.


The Seven Gates of Avalon

* Spiritual journey through 7 Sacred portals*

A full day ceremonial walk, visiting and experiencing the seven sacred portals in

the landscape of Avalon, by working with 'quest'ions, activities and mantras.

The walk includes booklet with information and exercises. 


The Priestesses of Avalon 

* A journey through the Mists of Time*

A day or half day walk finding out and experiencing 

the Isle of Avalon as the Isle of the Priestesses.

Working with myths and mist from the far past, the time of the transition,

the present and the future.


The Sacred Trees of Avalon

* Grounding, Connecting, Listening*

A day or half day walk connecting with amazing

sacred trees of Glastonbury/Avalon,

some of which hold the legends of the land

or are great energetic storytellers in their own right.


Please ask for more information about what these tours entail.


We can also offer you bespoke tour, tailored to your wishes.

Share with us your interest, intention or focus for your visit

and we will suggest what would give you the best experience

and if required add a personalised ceremony in the mix as well!



Half Day 

From £80 for one person

(+£30 for each next person)


Whole Day  

From £150 for one person

(+£50 for 2nd person

and +£25 for each next person)


(Prices include guiding, materials *) and ceremony,

but exclude entrance fees and food)


*)£5 pp extra for printed booklet with the 

Seven Gates of Avalon tour




​Marion Brigantia 
0044 (0)7948 079671​
Marisa Picardo
0044 (0)7762 299441

Manon Tromp
0031 (0)6122 94580

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